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New in the Simulation. No way to get it workig...
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Mirco Brero 6 years ago
Hi, could you please support get the simulation working? I can't understand why I get a simulation error as soon as I start the simulation itself. My test model is the following: []( In case you are not able to enter in the link, the model is very simple and is colled TEst Thanks for helping!! Regards Mirco
andyfierman 6 years ago
@Mirco Brero, Sorry but your project is private so only you can see it. In the meanwhile, please read and play with the simulations in: [](
Mirco Brero 6 years ago
Ok, now should be pubblic. Here the link []( Thanks Mirco
andyfierman 6 years ago
You Are nearly correct: the mistake is that you have not placed the .ENDS statement in quite the right place in the .SUBCKT definition: ![image.png](// It must be the last line in the .SUBCKT definition, like this: ![image.png](// Fix that and it works OK. This may just have a copy and paste formatting error or maybe even made the mistake in their subckt text. That sort of error is all too common even from the big manufacturers.
Mirco Brero 6 years ago
It works !!!! Thank you!! This problem was running me crazy...
andyfierman 6 years ago
I checked and it turns out that have been sloppy in their subckt proof reading!
andyfierman 6 years ago
Spice models for: DI_BZT52C5V1 DI_BZT52C5V1T DI_[BZT52C5V1LP]( DI_[BZT52C5V1S]( are now in the model library so any one of them can be assigned to the diode symbol you used without you having to paste the subckt into the schematic
Mirco Brero 6 years ago
ok, thank you!! Can you also add diodes from On semiconductors? This is the Diodes family I have in mind: 1SMB5918BT3G Thanks Mirco
EasyEDA 6 years ago
Models and Spice Symbols for: DI_BZT52C5V1 DI_BZT52C5V1T DI_BZT52C5V1LP DI_BZT52C5V1S 1SMB5918BT3G are all now in the library.
Mirco Brero 6 years ago
Is it also the possibility to add this component? HCNR201-500E I found this spice model but it does not work .SUBCKT HCNR201-500E 1 2 3 4 5 6 QLED1 8 2 7 QCPL .5 QLED1 9 2 7 QCPL .5 VLED 7 1 DC .685 VPD1 8 1 DC 2 VPD2 9 1 DC 2 DPD1 4 3 DPHOTO FPD1 3 4 VPD1 -1 CPD1 4 3 8P DPD2 5 6 DPHOTO FPD2 6 5 VPD2 -1 CPD2 5 6 8P .MODEL DPHOTO D(IS=4.5E-12 RS=150 N=1.3 XTI=4 EG =1.11 CJO=14P M=1.96 VJ=1.9) .MODEL QCPL NPN(IS=2.214E-19 BF=10M NF=1.010 IKF11.00M ISE=1.167P NE=1.737 RB3.469 VAF=100 TF=1.77U CJE=80P) .ENDS HCNR201-500E
andyfierman 6 years ago
This is already in the library as the HCNR200: ![image.png](// because the same spice model is used for both HCNR200/201 as explained in the last paragraph of the datasheet which is now at: []( from: []( with applications info at: [](
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