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New user with Gerber issues
888 3
whitehedr 4 years ago
I am a new user.  I have never built a PCB.  I have used various schematic capture systems and then built boards using wire wrap technology. The project is a two board system that allows a 7 segment display module of either 3 or 5 digits to plug into a mother board that holds a MAX7219 7 segment decoder driver serial interface chip. The schematic capture portion worked great.  I had a couple of new user issues but worked through them and have a successful schematic for two of the three boards in the system. The PCB layout was also successful in that I have two of the three boards that look good. DRC doesn't return any errors. I cam export the BOM Gerber files generate and I can open them all. The issue is that both of the drill files, plated holes and non plated holes has a list of errors in it. I watched all the Tutorial videos, read all the text tutorials and did not find anything that would lead me to what is wrong. All the hole dimensions seem reasonable.  I even designed a very simple circuit using components from the standard EasyEDA libraries.  I used a 7400n quad chip, a LED, and a resistor This also failed with  Gerber drill file errors. I made both of the boards public.  I will need to get the path to those two boards which I will do forthwith.  I also need to get a couple lines of error message out of the drill files for y'all.  Gerber-View would not let me copy content of the file so I will do it manually. Daughter Board: []( [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|44e04adaf2dc449181027bf2d2b4dadd\|6d66e7b3c80547f18c35caf1d68a9bf0]( Mother board links: []( [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|0a176ef2744a40639021ff2c6305203f\|c6c4dc379acf46fab4069d3ea5627c72]( Gerber Drill file errors: Unexpected char 0x3 < < Unexpected char 0x4C
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi check with Gerbv, it looks good. Gerber View tool - Gerbv [](
whitehedr 4 years ago
I looked at Gerbv and it was all gobbledygook to me.  It looks like it is meant to run on linux platform.  I am using a MacBook Pro. So I went looking for viewers that run on Mac OS and found an App in the Apple store called "Cuprum".  To my pleasant surprise it worked. Thank you for getting back to me.  I appreciate the help.  The viewer I had used was the Gerbv provided in KiCad.  it opened the other board files just fine.  I did try to upgrade that package by upgrading KiCad but that did not work out.  Still had the same errors. Now on up the learning curve with the next step being adding a copper pour to my boards.  I have all three of them placed and routed. Wish me luck in the copper pour. Regards ROG  (Retired Old Guy)
whitehedr 4 years ago
Copper pour worked on the first board.  Next up is to study the ordering process.  I hope I can combine the three boards and parts under one shipping charge. Regards, ROG
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