I guess I've done okay. I've only been using EDA for about 6 hours. Here's what I've come up with:
https://easyeda.com/editor#id=hRdNL7GgCA based on https://easyeda.com/editor#id=DdbLJHECca
This is just a sine wave oscillator. I can see that I ended up with a couple of missing traces--transistor emitter should be ground for one. But when I got to autoroute I wasn't quite sure how to arrange the components. Is there an optimal way to do this? I just sort of bunched them together. Should I use jumpers to get that ground to the emitter? Anyway, I thought it was pretty good coming from zero to now and thought I ought to run it by everyone. Amazing really.
I don't know how to use the simulator with this circuit. It would make me feel better if I could but I'll try that later. I should generate a sinusoidal waveform from about 500 to 2k Hz. Very clean I hope. Nice app!