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Newbie question on tutorial example (series capacitor) circuits
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Carl Baptiste 5 years ago
Hey I'm new to using EDA and probably a couple of hours into using the program. I am just beginning to read through the tutorial and use the examples provided by the creators to prepare to build my own personal circuits. I'm trying to simulate the circuit in the link below but it keeps saying "Fatal error Trans: Missing node(s)". i have not modified it at this point, just trying to see what a successful simulation run will look like. Please provide some feedback. [](
Carl Baptiste 5 years ago
Still no feedback? I just need help with this particular circuit.
Carl Baptiste 5 years ago
Nevermind now it wants to work.
andyfierman 5 years ago
The example circuits in the Simulation Tutorial are being updated for LTspice compatibility. They will be updated in advance of the text of the Tutorial.
Carl Baptiste 5 years ago
@andyfierman ok, great.
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