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"No Solid" Solid Region within inner planes
302 6
Titusvp 3 years ago
I am using the Bgm121 sip bluetoothmodule which needs different antenna clearance areas on top layer and all remaining layers. I already added the clearance on top layer(see picture below) but i cannot find a way to cutout the copper pour from my innerlayer planes: HVOUT and GND. As inner planes seem not assignable in the copper area manager i cannot use the  "solid region" or "copper pour" tools. Is there a way to still do it? I guess i could redefine the inner planes to "Signal" and then manually add the copper pour with included claerance area but its not really a smooth solution to me. ![bluetooth sip with copper clearance on top layer](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
You can only place Solid Regions etc. on inner layers defined as Signal, not as Plane. Raise a Feature Request to suggest being able to place obects onto inner layers defined as Plane as a desirable feature?
Titusvp 3 years ago
@andyfierman Good to know. I will suggest that option. Thanks for your quick reply, Andy.
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! I don't know how high voltage you have there going in the inner layer. But good rule of thumb is that never layout a board inner layers with too high voltages. I guess 50V - 75V is a good maximum on the inner layers? Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 3 years ago
Assuming that you have adequate creepage and clearance distances, it is probably safest to check the voltage ratings of both outer and inner layers for your chosen PCB stackup with JLCPCB.
Titusvp 3 years ago
@markus_jidoka Hi Markus, thanks for you suggestion but H(igh)Voltage is in this case somewhere from 1.8 - 5.5V dependent on the connected storage element.
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi @Titusvp Thanks for the info. Now I can wipe my sweat on my forehead for worrying that you blow up your PCB :-D -Markus
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