Hi all,
This is my first simulation in EasyEDA, so I expect I'm not seeing something very obvious:
* I have this schematic that I would like to simulate: [https://easyeda.com/jmgonet/h-bridge](https://easyeda.com/jmgonet/h-bridge)
* When I launch simulation a dialog pops up and says: "Error" but with nothing else to help me find what is about.

I've read the simulation tutorials, and I was careful to choose the NPN model from the System/Spice Discrete list. I chose a 2N2222, but I actually don't care much: if needed I can change to another model. I took the passive components from the EELib, as I read that those do have spice model associated. I've tried a simulation without the NPN transistor, and it ran as expected, so I guess the models for passive components are right. As soon as I add the transistor, it starts giving me the non-descript error. I've tried other transistors, but result is always that non-descript error. I've also tried to create a new project from scratch, just in case I did something wrong with configuration. I've also tried changing the simulation parameters
I'm out of ideas, so if someone can help me...
Best regards,
Jean-Michel Gonet