You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Now waveforms showing after succesful simulation
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Tomreef 4 years ago
Hi Faily new to EasyEDA and I have read the eBook but have found when i clicked on the examples they did not show in my Editor (just standard 6 fairly random cicuits) However, I have constructed a simple multivator circuit and it passes the simulation.  I have now added voltage probes to see the waveform at the collector of each transistor which again passes the simultation but I am unable to view or see any waveforms. I have added a screen shot of the circuit below and also the simulation form output Any assistance would be grateflly accepted on how to see the waveforms Also - if there are some simple Tutorial examples to learn the facilities of EasyEDA please point me at them - I have look at the video tutorials but find them too rapid Circuit: \*\* Simple Oscillator \*\* Direct Newton iteration for .op point succeeded. Date: Mon Jun 01 03:07:50 2020 Total elapsed time: 0.031 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap totiter = 2225 traniter = 2214 tranpoints = 1085 accept = 1071 rejected = 14 matrix size = 16 fillins = 12 solver = Normal Matrix Compiler1: 1.71 KB object code size  1.9/1.7/[1.6] Matrix Compiler2: 1.56 KB object code size  2.4/1.7/[1.5] Powered by LTspice ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
You need to make the project public and then post the url. Sorry but if you do not read the Forum topic marked as [Must read] then you probably read the wrong edition of Simulation Tutorial. The correct Tutorial is (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
If you are using less in a simulation then please see my post in this topic: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
"If you are using **LEDs** in a simulation..."
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