You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
OK, what am I doing wrong? (adding .subckt)
1559 6
prabbittv 7 years ago
I'm trying to learn the easyeda system and I've got a simple practice circuit at that I'm trying to add a model to for a 2n7000 mosfet. I've gone through things SEVERAL times and seem to have it all configured correctly and the .subckt added as a spice text field but I continue to get the error: Circuit: good* no system model for 2n7000, you can create a model by yourselfuntitled It's probably something simple that I'm overlooking but......
andyfierman 7 years ago
You can ignore the message. It is getting you that the is no model for the 2N7000 in the EasyEDA library so you have to supply one yourself. EasyEDA does not know that you have in fact done this by placing a model into the schematic. If your simulation is not running then please see (3) in:
andyfierman 7 years ago
Looks like your sim runs OK (you get a WaveForm plot) but note that **volprobe1** overwrites the netflag **+5V**. This is explained in the linked document above. :)
prabbittv 7 years ago
OK, I was using the directions at (in the section titled "Attaching a .subckt to a symbol 02") and it wasn't generating the same error. But if I changed the **DMN2005K** to something like **DMN2005KKK** (both in the .subckt and in the schematic) it **does** generate the same (apparently, non-)error but all of the voltages are exactly the same. So apparently they've added a model for the **DMN2005K** since they did that tutorial and their built-in model was keeping it from showing what I thought was an error. It WAS generating voltage readings, etc from the simulation but since it was giving me that about it not being found, I wasn't sure if the readings were trustworthy or not. So it basically boils down to: (Just a notice) **Circuit: good* no system model for 2n7000, you can create a model by yourselfuntitled** (Actual error that needs to be fixed. This resulted from me deleting the .subckt completely) **Error on line 4 : q1 volprobe1 volprobe1 volprobe2 2n7000 Unable to find definition of model** Having the .subckt in place results in a volprobe2 of 2.5283V and not having it gives 4.189V so it's definitely making a difference. I just wasn't sure if it was a **reliable** difference. And yeah, I know the one probe overrides (or reads the same as) the netflag. It was something I'd put in there as I was messing around putting in and taking out various stuff and that wasn't really needed in the place I put it in at in this basic circuit. Thanx for the response.
prabbittv 7 years ago
OK, not sure why the lines aren't breaking at the white-space boundaries in the above.
andyfierman 7 years ago
`...they've added a model for the DMN2005K since they did that tutorial and their built-in model was keeping it from showing what I thought was an error.` Correct. `...the lines aren't breaking at the white-space boundaries in the above.` It's a peculiarity of the forum tool. :) (It's still worth having a good read through (3) in:
prabbittv 7 years ago
Yeah, I'm checking it out as well as their tutorial. I'm just one of the "jump in first and THEN learn how to swim afterwards" types. I'm lucky I even read the manual at all at times. Anyways, now I know how to add the models as needed so that'll help a lot. I first messed with electronics back when I was a teen and the most complex digital stuff you'd find at Radio Shack was a NAND gate or such (yeah, almost pre-dating transistors. It was the mid-70's. And actually, they did sell the Intel 4004, 8008, 8080 and other such very basic processors) and didn't go that far at the time. Then kinda got out of the electronics stuff and now picking it back up with the Arduinos/Atmel chips and the ESP8266's. Also learning a lot more of C and C++ in the process (I used to be pretty good with Basic and Pascal through the 80's and 90's and, again, kinda let it go by the wayside. But now, between my job (IT help-desk and maintaining the website, etc and learning HTML, PHP, Java) and my off-time (playing with the micro-controllers and learning more C & C++) I'm having fun with it all and haven't fried **too** many parts (yet.) And almost all of it has been self-taught to boot and I really don't wind up posting these "**F1! F!!** Can someone F1 me, please?" sort of posts.I do try to get most of my info without having to go out on a street corner with a sign saying "will solder for computer/tech training." I think I've got the hang of it pretty well now as far as the basics go. But I'm sure I'll be back in here again. And again, muchas gracias.
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