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Objects dont group?
1581 4
Twuelfing 5 years ago
Hi everyone, I have a strange application, and a simple question. the question is: what is the group tool supposed to do? i assumed i could select multiple objects, group them and then move them as a block. this doesn't seem to be how this works. is there a way to group many objects and scale them together relative to each other? my weird application. i am trying to add a QR code to a silk screen layer, however the rasterization tool creates too much distortion to the grid in the code. so i built a 29x29 grid of 1mm x 1mm rectangles, then i deleted the necessary rectangles to create my QR code as a "vector" in the program. what i want to be able to do now is group the objects, change the layer of all of the objects at once, and change the scale. or.... if anyone knows a better way to get higher quality rasierized images, or better yet actual vectors onto silk screen layers i would be happy to learn a better work flow for this.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Twuelfing 5 years ago
hey, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately its not clear to me how the information at this like helps solve the problems I am having. it seems to imply the group function doesn't really group things you select unless they are components? the root issue i have still remains. the group tool i am using is not on a wiring tool bar like that, its just in the edit menu which seems to imply i can group any objects i can select. 1\. how can i import vector art? If that cant be done how can i import raster graphics without the software badly distorting the image? 2\. the grouping was a hacky work around to the image import issues\, but if i could group objects then scale\, rotate\, and change layers as a group that would also solve my issue\. thanks for the help
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please study the Tutorial. The Group/Ungroup function in the editor and the floating toolbars are the same. The Group/Ungroup function allows you to separate a symbol in the schematic editor or footprint in the PCB editor into it's basic elements of lines, text and other shapes or to take a symbol or PCB footprint you have drawn yourself in the schematic or PCB Editor and group them together an a single object. []( To select and move groups of objects: []( And to answer: 1. []( 2. [](
Twuelfing 5 years ago
thanks for the great info! I have previously read the parts of the tutorials you have linked and have the following conclusions. * the DXF import is promising, however it doesn't seem to honor filled objects. I can only get outlines of the objects. which means it wont solve my challenge.  * the raster image import is too destructive to use for my current needs.  * multi-selecting objects lets me move them but not scale, group, rotate, or collectively change attributes such as layer. onward with more experimenting. thanks again for taking the time to help!
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