* Board units are mils.
* Select a bunch of objects, traces, etc.
* Use Offset > Absolute Offset... to move them a large distance (like 10000 mils x and y)
* The final position of the new objects will often have small (< .01 mil) errors in them.
I believe this is caused by rounding and conversion errors. My guess is that the offset is being converted to the underlying units representation and then things are moved. If that offset cannot be exactly represented in the underlying units representation, errors will be introduced.
To maintain accuracy, the offset should be done in the units system of the offset. So if the user specifies an offset of X mils, all the positions should be converted to mils, the offset applied, and then converted back to the base representation. This should minimize/eliminate the errors (as long as the move is in the same unit system as the board layout).