**This Bug Report relates to:**
**Offset in the Rectangular and Triangle Wave outputs is not implemented correctly.**
Both outputs of both waveforms are implemented using PULSE() sources.
The low and high level output voltage of a PULSE() Source is defined by the **INITIAL** and **ON** parameters respectively.
For an output with a peak to peak Amplitude, A, that swings equally A/2 above and A/2 below the Offset value, O, the expressions used to add an offset to the Pulse and Triangle Wave outputs should be:
**Offset in the Sine Wave output is implemented in an unexpected way.**
For a function generator with two outputs in anitphase and a single offset control it would normally be expected that the same offset would be applied to both outputs and not - as is implemented at present - that one output would have a positive offset and the other a negative offset.
The Sine Wave outputs are implemented using the SINE() Source.
The offset of a SINE() output voltage is defined by the **DCOFFSET** parameter:
The expression to control the offset for both SINE() outputs should be:
**The Amplitude of the Sine Wave output is double that of the Rectangular and Triangle Wave outputs.**
The **AMPLITUDE** parameter of the SINE() Source represents the Peak value and not the Peak-to-Peak value.
Therefore for the Sine Wave output to give the same Peak-to-Peak swing as the outputs defined by PULSE() Sources, the expression for the SINE() Source Amplitude should be:
For detailed information on SINE() and PULSE() signal sources in LTspice, please study:
and for more information about sources: