You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Online and Offline won't open my projects
4817 13
WellSight 4 years ago
I switched to EASY EDA offline mode and am now told I cannot open online projects in offline mode so I switch to offline mode and am told cannot open online projects in offline mode! WHERE is my work?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please clarify your post: you have typed the same statement twice.
WellSight 4 years ago
@andyfierman I cannot open project in EITHER version. No matter which I try I am told I cannot open files in that version. Fortunately I saved the Gerbers BEFORE I tried the switch from Offline to Online. I was able to recovrer two of the PCB files ( Control Mudule and Gas Module) but PCB design for PWM seems nowhere.
WellSight 4 years ago
Can you or anyone find a PCB design named with "PWM" in it? This seems to have vanished. I deleted NOTHING. I only switched from online to offline. I really don't care which I use as long as my work is there. I dont need any schematics, just the PCB editor design versions.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Is your "PWM" PCB design public? When you last saved it, which version of EasyEDA were you working in: 1. Web based;  2. Desktop in Team Working mode; 3. Desktop in Projects Offline mode?
andyfierman 4 years ago
"No matter which I try I am told I cannot open files in that version." Please post at least screenshots, preferably animated gif of screen video showing you opening EasyEDA and the steps you go through to try to open your files. Please include screenshots showing clearly which version of EasyEDA you are working in and if it is the Desktop version, the Desktop Settings screen.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please also carefully re-read my last two posts in your earlier topic: [](
WellSight 4 years ago
@andyfierman Sorry, but I can't even tell which version I am on. I didn't even know there were so many versions. The "recover" page does not list it. Pleas tell me how to get from any version to any other version. I KNOW I did NOT delete this file. It must be here somewhere. Why does each version not spell out on the header which one you are on? All I can view by clicking on my Avatar  (the Trilobyte) is "Personal Workspace" Perhaps it's on some other version I cannot get to.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@WellSight Finding out if you are using the web based or the Desktop version is simple. If you open EasyEDA by opening a web browser and it EasyEDA then opens in a page in that browser then you are using the web based version. If you open EasyEDA from the Windows Start menu or from an icon on the Windows desktop and EasyEDA then opens in it's own window like any other Windows program then you are using the Desktop program. Another  way to distinguish them is that the web based version does not have a: Settings > Desktop Edition Settings > Run Mode Setting option like this: ![image.png](// and it does not offer the menu option to: Open Project Directory: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
This is exactly why I asked you to provide detailed screenshots and animated gif video of how you start up EasyEDA,  si that we can see what version of EasyEDA you are using without having to write long wordy posts to try to find ways to help you when a 20 or 30 second screen video clip from you would reveal far more.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Open project via:top menu - file - open project. you have to setting the correct date directory first. via: setting - desktop client setting Are you can't find the project list or can't open the project file? if you can't open the design file, any images?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@WellSight, Two things that might help you: Your recent posts show that you are using the Electron 4.2.10 browser. This suggests that you are using the Desktop version. You can see if you have any projects on your local machine by looking for and opening a folder on your C drive: C:\easyeda-data * If this folder is empty then you have not saved any projects to your local hard drive. In that case, close all instances of EasyEDA that you have open anywhere. Then go to this web page in Chrome or Firefox: []( log in and then go to your Personal Workspace: ![image.png](// which will take you to: []( and you will see a list of all your projects.
WellSight 4 years ago
@andyfierman I finally stumbled across the combination where all my work could be stored. I think the problem stems from an "add on" mentality.At far upper left Next to "EASY EDA" logo is an add-on label "STD" in green. That is a MAJOR control and is almost invisible. Each version looks exactly like the next. How is someone signing in after some absence supposed to know how different this new world is?  Each version should be CLEARLY marked and possibly look different with maybe a different background color(Like that grey taskbar at the top being blue or green or SOMETHING)
andyfierman 4 years ago
@WellSight, Sorry but I don't think your post actually has any relevance to how you may have rediscovered your projects. This is because although the selection of STD (standard non-simulation mode) and SIM (simulation mode) affects which libraries can be seen and whether a schematic is run as an active simulation schematic but which cannot be converted to a PCB (SIM mode) or as a passive non-simulation schematic that can be converted to a PCB (STD mode),** it has no effect on which projects you see in the left hand panel in any of the versions of EasyEDA, web-based or Desktop, Team Work or Projects Offline modes. ** Please note that the STD/SIM selection option has been in place since it was announced in the Update Record in August 2019. Please refer to: []( What's new in v6.2.34 2019.08.06
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