You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Open in New Window doesn't work
1410 6
teszt 1 year ago
Hi! So when you right click an open tab there is an option called Open in New Window that opens the tab in a new window. but recently that function stopped working, all it does is open a new window, but the window instantly closes. same when trying to open the easyeda exe when the app is already running.
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, what is the version number you are using? I suggest you try to update the EASYEDA STD you use. I hope my suggestions can help you, I wish you a good day!!
nostaticatall 1 year ago
I have the same problem - It only started to happen after upgrading to the latest version of STD - it was OK with previous versions of STD
hdcad3 1 year ago
I'm having the same problem
jk1 1 year ago
Same for me STD 6.5.34 on Linux
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, I am very sorry to tell you that this problem is a bug, we have found such a problem, and will repair and optimize it later. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. I recommend you to use easyeda pro, which may meet your needs. I sincerely apologize to you~
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