You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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Pweide 9 years ago
I have two projects very similar, I copied one and gave it a new project name as I want to keep the original, I don't remember how I did it but now when ever open either one in editor they come up with two schematics. I did a lot of work on one last night, saved as normal but then found I had lost everything. Is there a guide somewhere on how to create and save schematics? Thanks
andyfierman 9 years ago
If you have saved both schematcs into the same project then did you check both of them for the changes you made? Just in case you worked on one but thought you had worked on the other? Here is some guidance on project and file management: First, create a new project to put the schematic in: **Document > New > Project** ![Create a new project from the Document Menu][1] Then create the new schematic: **Document > New > Schematic** ![Create a new schematic from the Document Menu][2] and save it in the new project: ![Save the new schematic to the new project][3] Then you can work on it, save it, modify the schematic description, delete it or clone (copy) it. ![schematic in project in Navigation Panel, showing options][4] If you clone it, you can save it into the same or a different project with the same or a new name. ![Clone the schematic, rename it and then save it to the same or a new project.][5] [1]: /editor/20150726/55b3e985e0cbd.png [2]: /editor/20150726/55b3e88a18825.png [3]: /editor/20150726/55b3eacdb83e4.png [4]: /editor/20150726/55b3e7031819e.png [5]: /editor/20150726/55b3ef887147e.png
dillon 9 years ago
create a new project, then save the schematics as to the new project.
Pweide 9 years ago
Many Thanks for that and thanks for taking the time, apologies for not replying earlier as I managed a work around and got on with the project. Worth knowing for the future though. Thanks again
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