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Option to update track names in PCB on Update PCB/Import Changes
984 5
andyfierman 5 years ago
Suppose we have a fully routed and correct, error free PCB that was created from a fully connected and correct, error free Schematic. Suppose that in the Schematic we change a net named "oldnet" to "newnet". At the moment, after doing Update PCB... in the Schematic Editor or Import Changes... in the PCB Editor, the names of the pads in the PCB associated with pins in the Schematic that are connected to that net all change from "oldnet" to "newnet". The name of the track on the PCB, however does not update: the netname of the track remains as "oldnet". This causes the sort of problems illustrated in these two screenshots: Original net name in the schematic: ![image.png](// Original pad and net name in the PCB: ![image.png](// Schematic after net name change: ![image.png](// PCB after Import Changes. Pads are now named **newnet** but track is still named **oldnet**: ![image.png](// There are also situations where net names may change in the schematic as a result of two nets being merged and that will cause the same issue with pads being renamed but tracks not. This topic is an example of (mostly!) this problem: []( * I think that there should be at least a warning that if net names have been changed in the schematic than naming conflicts with already routed tracks may occur. And suggest that tracks should be checked carefully and updated manually as required. * What I would _like_ to see is a dialogue that says something like "This change will update the net names of pads on the PCB. Do you want the names of **tracks** already routed to these **pads** to be updated to match the new **pad** net names?". * Even better would be to list in the dialogue which pads are affected by the changes to help identify the tracks. * Maybe even offer a Yes/No option for each track (with a Select All option).
UserSupport 5 years ago
It is hard to implement, we have tried , but can not find a good way . there are many situations when schematic connections change, that's hard to decide to use which netname for the track.
mchahn 4 years ago
I am running into this right now.  I renamed all 12V nets to 5V and I now have to go through 20 or 30 nets and change their name. Could you please add a "rename all" that renames all of one specific name to another name?  That would solve most uer's problems and should be easy to implement. Could I do this using a text editor?
mchahn 4 years ago
I tried renaming 12V to 5V in the source and it worked great.  If it is that easy maybe a rename feature would be nice.
mrtom528 4 years ago
@mchahn You can already rename a selection of nets by right clicking the net, selecting 'Find Similiar Objects', set NET to 'Same' and click 'Find'. All nets with the same name will be selected, you can now rename them all at once using NET under Object Properties in the right hand panel. Regards.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@mchahn @mrtom528 You can enable the update track net name while import changes ![图片.png](//
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