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Order Status update
1508 4
Rapaz 9 years ago
**Feature Request** Order Status: The status of an order is shown with a bit more granularity like (Pad -> Sent for Production -> Received by us -> Sent to customer Better Order tracking ?
Rapaz 9 years ago
The thing is I ordered 2 weeks ago and see no change and wonder was/if something went wrong...
example 9 years ago
Hi, I am sorry you didn't get the track number, the email notice system didn't sent the track number. And you will get your PCB tomorrow. You maybe need to send this kind of questions to support email, we can help you more quickly. Because you send this information to our forum, we need to explain this detail and let our user happy. You ordered your PCB at 29 last month, we ship them at 1 of this month. we just 2 days fab. 1 day package. For this shipping method, you use Airmail. Because your package is big, we upgrad it other better shipping solution, we need to pay more shipping cost $2 than you send to us. But we think $2 will let our users to get the package faster it is worth. just upload some parts of the track information. the track number is sent to your email. and hope you would like to give a feedback to this thread. Have a nice day. Dillon ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20150910/55f176b30563e.png
Rapaz 9 years ago
The boards arrived a few hours ago. They are fantastic. I am really happy with how fast the whole process was/is. Don't worry about $2, I am ordering more boards very soon. Thanks !
dillon 9 years ago
Thanks for feedback. We will try our best to help the makers to make stuff easier. We are happy there is one more happy PCB order .
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