Output a PCB board outline and hole drill SVG drawing
We can currently output SVGs of our PCBs, but it is extremely difficult to get a selective view that only shows the board outlines and NPTHs and PTHs. I have to output everything and then go into illustrator in order to clean up my drawing. Not only do I have to delete all the nets and silkscreen, I have to purge all vias, PTH annular rings, and extra circles that EasyEDA puts around my NPTHs. This is a slow and tedious process.
I want a SVG file with accurate holes (NPTH and ringless PTH) and board outlines because of two reasons. One, I want to import the mechanical drawing into a CAD package like Solidworks or Autodesk Inventor. Two, I want to send my mechanical drawing to my laser cutter or 3D printer to get a physical mock up.