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Oval pad with two holes.
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farmakon 6 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to design an oval copper pad with two holes. What I currently can do is to overlap two holes by their copper ring (left in the image). What I'd like to do, for a mere aesthetical purpose, is combine the pads into a single oval copper area and have two holes in it. (right in the image). These would, in turn, be part of a PCB lib and, therefore, they need to be easily recreated or simply repeated. Is there any easy and clean way to achieve this? ![image]( To better explain the image: the mask is green, the copper area is orange, holes are black. Thanks in advance.
Tutorials 6 years ago
Hi , 1\. place a pad at top layer\, change it shape as "Oval"\, and set the height more than width 2\. place two mult\-layer pad on the oval pad\. you will see ![snipaste_20180313_135335.png](//
farmakon 6 years ago
Perfect, thank you. I was missing the point that multilayered pads were to be added after the ovals. Is there any way to change the z-index of components? Thanks again.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@farmakon, Note that although the through hole pads themselves will be on all layers, the copper of the oval will only be on the top (or bottom) layer. You cannot create an oval on all layers without having a central hole in it because in this case you cannot set the hole diameter to zero. You have to manually create and position a second pad on the bottom (or top) layer if this is what you want. I'm not sure what you are asking here: `Is there any way to change the z-index of components?` If you mean which side of the board you can place them on then: ![image.png](// If you mean which layer the pads are placed on then you have only the choice of `Multi-``Layer`, `Top Layer` or `Bottom Layer`: ![image.png](//
farmakon 6 years ago
@andyfierman > Note that although the through hole pads themselves will be on all layers, the copper of the oval will only be on the top (or bottom) layer. > You cannot create an oval on all layers without having a central hole in it because in this case you cannot set the hole diameter to zero. So I have noticed, in fact I'm placing a copper oval on each side of the board. > I'm not sure what you are asking here: > > > > Is there any way to change the z-index of components? Currently, to achieve this, I need to create the oval pad first and then place the pad with hole on top of it. I was wondering if I could do the other way around and change the order in which they stack each upon the other (z-index indeed). Thanks.
andyfierman 6 years ago
`I was wondering if I could do the other way around and change the order in which they stack each upon the other (z-index indeed).` Z-index with respect to the graphical layers of the editor rather than Z axis with respect to the different layers in the PCB stackup? You can place the elements of the oval top/bottom layer pad and the two through hole pads in any order. You can then move the elements to front or back using: ![image.png](//
farmakon 6 years ago
\>You can then move the elements to front or back using Marvellous. Thanks Andy, you're precious.
farmakon 6 years ago
(and I wonder why I can't, for the life of me, get the formatting to work)
example 6 years ago
Just posted a Feature Request about this (not sure it's a bug but it's not far off...) [](
farmakon 6 years ago
I'm facing a different issue now. I successfully made the plated slot with dual holes as intended, yet, the different parts are still counted as separate. Is there anyway to group them into a single object? The reason I'm asking, is because I get them flagged in the Nets category of the Designer Manager as if they weren't connected. The library in question is [here](!036c1f13396a4897b32c59c069c047a0). Thanks.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Two ways: A) 1\. Select each pad in turn; 2\. Delete the net attribute for each pad if it is not already blank; 3\. Renumber each pad to 1; 4\. Select all 3 pads; 5\. Click on the Group/Ungroup button on the PCBTools floating palette; 6\. Name the grouped items: ![image.png](// B) Create the pad using the PCB Lib editor in the same way: all pads having no net name and all given the same number then save it with a unique name. The safer way is (B) as explained in section (2) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
andyfierman 6 years ago
Sorry, silly of me: I wrote the above before I looked at the link to your PCB Lib. I just tried (B) on a copy of your MX1A-SKCM package in a very simple PCB and that seems to keep the Design Manager happy. Try MX1A\-SKCM\_TEST\_DO\_NOT\_USE before you edit your own then post back and let me know if that works for you\. If It does\, edit your own and I'll delete mine\. :)
andyfierman 6 years ago
Dummy reply to see if I can get this to float back to the top until the forum posting timestamp issue is resolved...
farmakon 6 years ago
Hi again Andy, Unfortunately neither of the solutions proposed work. This blueprint is a PCB library so I can only use PCBlib Tools (not PCB Tools) which doesn't seem to have a grouping feature. Nonetheless, even if I group the objects manually in the PCB layout (which is dauntingly time consuming) they would still appear as individual items, with the result that I have to manually connect the two pads. When I try that, most of the times, I get a generic trace (those starting with the dollar sign) as if they were floating somewhere rather than actually connecting them. This actually happens with the lib you forked as well.
Tutorials 6 years ago
Hi If you were edit the PCB lib, you just need to place the pads as I told you, and then save, and then place this footprint to PCB it will be what you want. the group/ungroup function only for PCB and PCB module.
farmakon 6 years ago
@Tutorials > If you were edit the PCB lib, you just need to place the pads as I told > you, and then save, and then place this footprint to PCB it will be what > you want. Yes, I've done that but it doesn't work. The objects will still be separate and the design manager will flag them as unconnected.
MiniMax 5 years ago
Hello, * make two pads side by side * switch the shape of one pad to rectangle * switch the shape of the same pad to polygon * edit the polygon points (make pad wider to include the area of the second pad) * set solder mask distance value of second pad to zero Regards
andyfierman 5 years ago
If you do this in the PCB Lib editor and set both pads to have the same number then save it with a unique name, you can have a PCB footprint that anyone can reuse from the library which will not throw DRC errors.
farmakon 5 years ago
@MiniMax I assume this wasn't a thing a year ago. It's gonna take several days to draw that out of polygon coordinates. Thanks a lot for your input.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, I know we advise not posting onto the end of old threads but I have been looking into some problems of grouping pads together and, looking back at this thread, I am now not sure that I understood exactly what the issue was with your MX1A-SKCM package. I think I may have been trying to solve the wrong problem. :) If either you have the time or it is still an issue, could you post some screenshots that show what the issue was?
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman The MX1A-SKCM package, as it is, gives me no issue but it's not what I'm trying to achieve. I've cloned it into MX1A-SKCM TEST which is where I'm sweating. As you can see from the images here\|[]( when I put more elements with the same number (in this case two round vias and an oval one), I expect them to be treated as a single object but, unfortunately, they are not (see the last picture). I get a DRC error for clearance and when I mouse-over it I only get to highlight the bit that. This applies to v6.1.30 as well. Thanks for your interest.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you post a public project so I can see how you are trying to connect to these pads?
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman []( That should give you the idea. The DRC warns me about clearance and highlighting one of the pads shows that they are not counted as one element.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Sorry but that project isn't public, so only you can see it.
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman It should be now.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Nope. You need to do: ![image.png](// If the project is private you'll get a screen warning: ![image.png](// Just click OK then it'll take you to the screen with the sharing links.
farmakon 5 years ago
[https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|32094f60e6314177b54765b286ea478d](|32094f60e6314177b54765b286ea478d) Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you post links to datasheets for both the Alps and the Cherry switches showing mechanical dimensions, pinout and if possible, PCB footprint?
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Could you verify that these two links give the correct pinout and footprint information for the two switches you wish to build a dual footprint for? []( ![image.png](// [https://deskthority\.net/w/images/3/32/Alps\_Electric\_\-\-\_spec\_\-\-\_5454\_31\.pdf]( ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman They are both correct.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Do both of the switches you want to use have mechanical allignment pins that go through the PCB or is it just the Cherry parts? In other words, do the Alps switches rely on using only the switch pins 1 and 2 for mechanical alighnment when they are mounted directly onto the PCB?
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman Alps switches are mandatory mounted on a plate, the pins must align but that's not how the switch is held in place.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Ah. So there is no need to have two separate holes for pin 1 (or pin 2) of each type of switch: they could be accommodated by slotted holes as in your earlier footprint? I ask because although the DRC errors caused by multiple pads close together can be worked around but I think trying to put two PTH holes so close together might cause a PCB manufacturability problem. In fact your footrpint can't be made anyway because of the way you have overlapped two round PTH pads and a slotted PTH pad: you could have two adjacent round pads joined by an SMD pad or a single slotted pad but not both round and slotted overlapping because the drill information would conflict. Still looking at the best way to do this and will let you know later today (my time).
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman Indeed, there would be no need for separate holes but that seemed to be the easiest way to achieve it, in my ever-so-wrong opinion. I appreciate your inputs and the effort you're putting into it.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@farmakon, Yes, I think your earlier footprint is the best solution: ![image.png](//
farmakon 5 years ago
@andyfierman Not the most professional solution but I guess I'll have to stick to it. Thanks for everything.
andyfierman 5 years ago
I have posted a topic in the JLCPCB category about the minimum spacings for placing pads together as there was an issue with it a while ago but they have not replied yet: [](
farmakon 3 years ago
Hi, I'm back to this because I've made progress to my [MX1A-SKCM footprint](!0c63c246224f48babe084670dc7d7ee1) by using a polygon with eccentric hole and a via with no solder make expansion as second hole. I can route everything correctly granted that I set Routing Conflict to ignore but I can live with that. Now the only issue I have is that DRC obviously warns me about clearance issues (namely three times for each footprint) so I'd like to know if there's a way to disable the DRC for the footprint alone (e.g. by adding a parameter) so that I can safely be notified about other issues. Thanks.
andyfierman 3 years ago
"...I'd like to know if there's a way to disable the DRC for the footprint alone (e.g. by adding a parameter) ..." Not at the moment. Please submit a Feature Request for this. It might be on the ToDo list for the new PCB version and if not it will do no harm to ask. :)
farmakon 3 years ago
> @andyfierman > Please submit a Feature Request for this. It might be on the ToDo list for the new PCB version and if not it will do no harm to ask. Will do. Thanks.
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