Oval PAD shape incorrect in Export
I Made this component for a switch I use. Whenever I make components I like to print out a 1:1 to test before continuing.
I noticed that when exporting the PADS swell excessively.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Change PAD to oval
The attached images show using round rectangular and Oval
The Round Comes out correct.
The Rectangular is correct.
The Oval is too large
I have tried with a slot and with a hole. I have tried various combinations but always get larger when printing (export)
![What the PDF file looks like][1]
Expected results:
![What I expect from photo view][2]
![What it looks Like in PCB editor][3]
Browser: Chrome
I am fairly new to Easy EDA but not to PCB design. Am I missing something or is this a bug.
My project should be public.
[1]: /editor/20170424/58fdc6bfd8579.png
[2]: /editor/20170424/58fdc675221f4.png
[3]: /editor/20170424/58fdc705cda0d.png