You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
PCB 5V, 220V, auto router
762 1
bodtx 6 years ago
Hi I'm very new to the PCB world here is a project for driving heater. I've put my comp with no rules in the schematics, then I've launch the convert to PCB then autorouter. []( Do you know if can work as it is, or there are some pitfall I did not see. thank you
andyfierman 6 years ago
Hi bodtx, Welcome to EasyEDA. Please do not waste peoples time asking about your project until you have put a great deal more effort into understanding - and being able to clearly describe to others - what you are trying to achieve and how you are attempting to do it. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but please consider the following points: * There is no documentation describing the design requirements and no documentation describing how the circuit is intended to work. * Your schematic is incomplete and unreadable. * It has no mains input connector, * One side of the mains input to the AC to DC converter is unconnected. * Where are the connections to the heater? * How is it switched on and off? * What load (power/voltage/current) is the heater? * Have you done any calculations on the trace width needed to carry whatever the currents are that may be flowing through them in this circuit? * Have you given any thought to the electrical safety of this circuit? It has mains voltage going in and there is not even a fuse in series with the mains input. * What clearances do you need between the traces to comply with safety requirements at mains voltages? * You should put a label into the silkscreen to warn of the presence of mains voltages. Please see: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
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