You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
PCB Antennas
1530 3
martin 6 years ago
Hello, PCB antennas often share their net with ground. Of course, this leads to DRC errors, which really aren't. Is there a way to "ignore" those? ![Screen Shot 2018-07-26 at 1.22.33 PM.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
Either just ignore them or click on the DRC error in the Design button to dismiss it.
martin 6 years ago
Not sure what the DRC error in the Design button is? But "ignoring" them isn't really an option, is it? What if, in the midst of all those "bogus" DRC errors is a real one? Like I said in my previous message, such "details" can make or break a tool. It's all about having complete confidence before sending for fabrication. As it is, there is too much manual checking required.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Click on the Design button in the left hand panel. Click on the DRC section. This lists the DRC individual errors. Clicking on each one highlights the individual error. You can also dismiss them individually. They will all reappear if you refresh the DRC list and every time you reopen the PCB.
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