I would like to suggest adding a few things to the EasyEDA website and PCB editor:
1\. When routing PCB currently there is option to route with 45 or 90 degree angles\, Free Form or Arc\. I think that it will be very helpful to add options for 15\,30\,60 degrees and custom degree\(with box to enter the value\) because with more strange PCB forms that will make manual routing much more efficient than using Free Form traces\.
2\. Add setting to the autorouter to use the selected routing angle \(enable autorouter to use 15\,30\,45\,60\,90\,custom\,free\,arc traces\) because now it cannot autoroute with Free Form traces and so doesn't work for simple but strange form PCBs\.
3\. When viewing team page show private projects when viewed by signed in member of the team\.
4\. Maybe you could add option to donate money for using EasyEDA Designer so that people who cannot affort to pay each month for the Pro plan and don't need any of the extra features it offers can still help the EasyEDA development team :\)
I really hope that this feedback will help improve the PCB design tool.