You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
BUG: PCB Layout is very slow when converting from 2-layer to 4-layer
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lynxlabeling 1 year ago
I recently cloned an existing project and when I edit the PCB it is really slow to move objects. I have rebooted my computer with no improvement. I also tried the same edits on the project that I cloned from and it works just fine. I am not sure when the slowdown happened. I suspect it happened after I deleted the existing copper pours, but it could have been something else. Is there a way to fix this problem for this project? I have never had this happen before, and it is a problem only for this particular project. UPDATE: I have tracked down the reason for the slowdown. It was when I converted the PCB from 2 layers to 4 layers. I tested pasting several components at once into the 2 layer version and it was instant. When I tried in a brand new copy of the 2-layer PCB converted to 4-layer, the paste took 40 seconds. Is this a bug? UPDATE 2: I have discovered two things: 1\. There is a bug when converting a 2\-layer board to a 4\-/ayer\, it results in a big slowdown of any edits\. 2\. The workaround to this bug is to create a new 4\-layer PCB and copy/paste parts & traces from the 2\-layer PCB to the 4\-layer PCB\.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@lynxlabeling, The slow performance of the original EasyEDA (which is now referred to as EasyEDA Std) with 4 or more layers has been an issue for several years - with many topics about it in the forum - and is partly what drove the development of EasyEDA Pro. Your workaround has not been reported before however and may be very useful as long as the project does not slow down again after later edits.
lynxlabeling 1 year ago
So does the Pro version fix this problem? After my last update, after spending some time editing, the slowdown has begun again, so the workaround is only temporary it would seem.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@lynxlabeling, It is supposed to be much faster for multilayer PCBs but I can't really comment because I have not used Pro. Have a go at importing your project into Pro and see how you get on. There are however other problems reported with Pro. See the posts under the title of "Multiple Issues With Pro".
UserSupport 1 year ago
Pro edition is fast then Std, do you has plane inner layer?
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