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PCB file to save via grid parameters
596 6
topirinkinen 4 years ago
Hi, Is it possible to get feature which saves via grid parameters (diameters & spacings) to CopperArea. So that when I open the PCB file later, I don't have to enter them manually (and try to remember what values I used). ![image.png](// -Topi
andyfierman 4 years ago
Are you saying that you place them, save then close the PCB but when you reopen the PCB, the vias have been deleted? Are you sure that they are no just hidden so if you rebuild the copper area, then they reappear? If they really are deleted then please change the Category of this topic to **Bug** **Repor** .
topirinkinen 4 years ago
Hi, No, the vias are not deleted. What I am looking for, is the save of the parameters. If I edit the pcb, and need to re-create the via pattern. Now I need to remember what was the diameters&spacings. -Topi
andyfierman 4 years ago
@topirinkinen, "If I edit the pcb, and need to re-create the via pattern" For example if you want to create a new copper area with the same pattern of vias in it?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@topirinkinen, Can you not just copy and paste them? Or use the **Group/Ungroup** tool? ![image.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
As well as saving the grid parameters, it would be nice if it saved the default standard via parameter for each user.   I always use 30/15 rather than the 24/12 EasyEDA offers as a default, but don't want to change the DRC rules as sometimes I do have to use 24/12 to avoid a DRC error.
topirinkinen 4 years ago
@andyfierman, Not copy paste. I mean e.g. following scenario: I have this PCB design done: ![image.png](// In the middle you see a tighter via pattern (where C3 is located). I need to add one capacitor more next to C3. If I don't do anything to the via pattern, the via pattern interferes with the new wires and new pads (DRC violation). What I have done so far: I delete the via pattern: ![image.png](// And then I create the via pattern again for the same CopperArea. In this CopperArea the via pattern was 0.8 mm spacing, but the default value in ![image.png](// seems to be 5.080 mm. I need to remember what parameters I have used in this area earlier, and enter those values manually to this command. What I would like instead: The EasyEda saves the via pattern parameters into CopperArea object. And if I ask EasyEda to re-create via pattern, it offers the values used previous time. -Topi
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