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PCB foootprint with a copper keepout
1990 3
firr 3 years ago
Hey there! I made a footprint for a reverse mount LED where the led shines through the PCB board to the other side.  For the light to pass through the board it should have no solder mask or copper under the component.  In the footprint I put in a soldermask but I don't know the best way to make a copper keepout as well.  The reson I'd need this is if I do a copper pour for a groundplane it'll fill that area and I need it to keep clear. Right now the workaround I figured out is: -put a copper layer in the footprint editor where I -don't- want copper in the final PCB -do the design as normal and place a copper pour on the PCB -go back to the footprint editor and delete that copper area -update the footprints on the PCB  which will remove the copper from the area and leave the ground plane pour in tact. This feels really hacky but I'm not sure if theres a batter way around this. Any one else got a better way to do this?  I'd assume this would also be needed for fiducal makrings and the like.
andyfierman 3 years ago
I haven't tried this but if you put a Solid Region set to No Solid on the bottom layer of the LED footprint then that should clear the copper when you place in on the board. Beware that this will not stop copper on inner layers from crossing or filling that area. Try it on a simple test PCB and check the Gerbers using gerbv (as recommended in the Tutorial).
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! Other option is to use reverse mount LED. Just make a hole between the LED pads and you can reverse mount/install your LED. [https://www\.google\.com/search?q=reverse\+mount\+led&sxsrf=ALeKk00jen\_YFyqjvI\-wHAZgPXzvOpr3tw:1610278739524&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiktYjio5HuAhXpo4sKHcw6CAAQ\_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1536&bih=722](<br> <br> Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 3 years ago
IIRC, LCSC have one or two reverse mount LEDs. They came up in a forum topic maybe a year ago but of course I can't find it now...
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