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PCBLib format for PAD RECT (EasyEDA file source menu)
670 1
JAldo 5 years ago
I am trying to write a small lua script to transform a set of comma separated values into a list of PAD~RECT values to automatize the creation of footprints for components that have xy tables for pad positions, but i cannot find documentation about PAD~RECT format... can someone pls tell me how to do that ? everything is working, but the penultimate line (were it does write PAD~RECT line) is wrong and the application cant load the resulting file (after i graft it into the file source window). sourcecode : []( really interesting line : ``` for index,value in ipairs(pl.padlist) do print('"PAD~RECT~'..value.padx..'~'..value.pady..'~0.09~0.09~11~~'..value.padid..'~1.8~~0~gge'.. value.padid..'~0~~Y~0~~~'..value.padx..','..value.pady..'",'); end; ``` cant figure out how to format PAD~RECT to automatically create a PAD from a list of pads taken from a datasheet (copy and paste). I need this because this is way more safe to guarantee that i've not mistyped something using an automatic tool than by manually typing. It might be usefull for someone else too. \-\-\-\-\- I edited it to put the sourcecode into pastebin to make forum easier to read.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Our API files need to update []( when we finish the version we will update the document. when you open the PCBlib and see the EasyEDA source you will find out the PAD react mean. ![图片.png](// ![图片.png](//
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