You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
PCB Copper Pour
1890 2
anthony.sather 8 years ago
Whenever I try to do a copper pour, it wont allow me to place it. I would like to use this feature for my Ground net. Anyone have any suggestions?
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Anthony, Welcome to EasyEDA. Can you post a link to a public copy of your project (or share it privately) as it is hard to make any definite suggestions when we cannot see the PCB? :) To share it publically go to: **Home > My Account > Project** and click on the 'No Entry' sign under the megaphone symbol: ![enter image description here][1] Then right-click on the Project name and copy the link. If you would prefer to share it privately, right-click on the Project name in the left hand Navigation panel of an Editor window: ![enter image description here][2] and share it with Support at In the meanwhile, here are some things to check. 1. Have you assigned the `Net` property of the copper area to be (in this particular case) GND (i.e. Ground)? 2. Have you set the `Copper Zone` property of the PCB to be `Visible` in the right hand panel? 3. Have you placed the copper area on the desired layer and have you set that layer to be visible? 4. Have you Clicked on `Rebuild copper area` for that layer? ![enter image description here][3] [1]: /editor/20161110/582394756a00f.png [2]: /editor/20161110/582395182295d.png [3]: /editor/20161110/58239e527e4b5.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
Also check that the `Fill Style` is set to `Solid`.
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