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PCB for TH and SMD components
1088 3
samir.shaddad 7 years ago
hi i want to design pcb for arduino nano project including some other component: 16pin DIP and other pins i think the layout i got is for SMD as i have to solder the components on the other side , the layout should be flipped . 1) is it ture what im saying? 2) can i flip it? thank u
andyfierman 7 years ago
You have not posted any information about your layout. You have no public project. * For anyone to help you on this question, first you need to post a link to your project and/or to the layout you already have. Your project either has to be public or shared privately with Support (email address here:
samir.shaddad 7 years ago
@andyfierman i made it public basicly it arduino nano with ULN2003 thank u for reply
andyfierman 7 years ago
What you have is a schematic or circuit diagram. You do not yet have a PCB layout. The ARDUINO_NANO PCB footprint that is assigned to the ARDUINO NANO schematic symbol is a through hole part. The DIP16 PCB footprint that is assigned to the ULN2003A schematic symbol is a through hole part. The B5B-PH-K-S PCB footprint that is assigned to the schematic symbol for the 5 pin connector, JP1, is a through hole part. You have not assigned a PCB footprint to the 2x4 header. You can choose to make it a through hole or a surface mount part. It is up to you to decide. It is also up to you to decide where and on which side of the PCB you need to put each component.
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