You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
【PDF】EasyEDA Tutorial for PDF
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UserSupport 4 years ago
We will update the EDA tutorial PDF version from time to time. The PDF version may not be up to date, but we will try to made it to keep pace with the online version. Remark: Marked by editor version number. If the current editor version is V5.9.3, the PDF version is V5.9.3 ![图片.png](// Download: [EasyEDA-Tutorial_v6.4.32.pdf]( [](<br> <br> <br> Recomended: [EasyEDA Footprint Naming Rule Reference.pdf](
mahm 4 years ago
السلام عليكم ورحمتة وبركاتو  
technodesigners 4 years ago
walikum aslamm
Washington Bergue 4 years ago
olá pessoal! Não estou conseguindo dar auto rot . Sigo os procedimentos mesmo assim não tá indo. Abre o terminal de comando no windows e depois disso o que faço?
Washington Bergue 4 years ago
olá pessoal! Não estou conseguindo dar auto rot . Sigo os procedimentos mesmo assim não tá indo. Abre o terminal de comando no windows e depois disso o que faço?
Washington Bergue 4 years ago
Quando eu dou auto rot pede para eu instalar na minha própria máquina , estou tentando fazer isso , mas não está fuincionando.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Vaya a: []( y descargue la versión de Windows.  Descomprima el archivo y luego siga las instrucciones del archivo "Cómo instalar y desinstalar.txt". Go to: []( and download the windows version. Unzip the archive then follow the instructions in the "How to install and uninstall.txt" file.
hola, tengo el siguiente error **´´no footprint , please associate the footprint first´´ y no puedo actualizar mi pcb, ayuda!**
andyfierman 4 years ago
Cada símbolo esquemático debe tener una huella de PCB asociada. Lea el tutorial para descubrir qué significa esto y cómo hacerlo. Every schematic symbol must have a PCB Footprint associated with it. Please read the Tutorial to find out what this means and how to do it.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@VERONICAFLANDEZ Cada símbolo esquemático debe tener una huella de PCB asociada. Lea el tutorial para descubrir qué significa esto y cómo hacerlo. Every schematic symbol must have a PCB Footprint associated with it. Please read the Tutorial to find out what this means and how to do it. [](
chetah 3 years ago
How can i get my text and component value on my pcb when i order
andyfierman 3 years ago
This topic is about the pdf copy of the Tutorial. It is not a general discussion topic. The answer to your question is in the Tutorial so please read it. If you need further information, please post your question in the appropriate Category. Please note that general text and component values are not placed on the PCB automatically. You have to enter it by hand in the silkscreen layer.
jcgdne 2 years ago
Hola. necesito saber como marcar en el diseño del PCB un corte rectangular? Gracias por su ayuda.
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