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PDF (esp32 devkit v1) size smaller than the device
480 4
ivantrigueiro 1 year ago
Hi, I'm new here. I tried exporting my layout for pcb but it turns out that only one component of the circuit is just enough smaller that nothing works. i created a circuit with an esp32 devkit v1, for some reason every time i print it, alone or in the circuit its just enough smaller that holes don't fit. so i thought that everything was out of place and when i checked with the other components everything matched except the esp32. I dont think its my printer configs because every other component i printed on the circuit fits just fine. i already tried more than 30 esp32 pcb layouts and every single one has the same problem. ![CASE 1.jpg](//![CASE 2.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Two things to do. 1. Print a pdf document with a grid or shape of known dimensions on it to check your print scaling. 2. Obtain datasheets for your module and for those you have used in your PCB design to check the dimensions against the PCB layout drawings shown in them. Bear in mind that symbols and footprints should always be checked for the correctness of pin and pad mapping and for dimensional accuracy against original manufacturer's datasheets irrespective of which library they come from. User Contributed parts often have mistakes in them that are then copied by other contributors without being corrected. Parts from the System, LCSC or JLCPCB libraries are not guaranteed to be error free.
ivantrigueiro 1 year ago
@andyfierman yeah, I'll try these steps, but i dont know if the first step is worth it. In the same circuit I have a LoRaWAN device and a luminosity sensor and they both fit perfectly. Yes, I checked the datasheet to confirm its the same device. The only way I managed to fit the esp32 board was when I increased print dimensions by 7%. I tried increasing from 101% to 110% and 107% fits the best. That is the reason i dont know what happens, why is every esp32 printed circuit 7% smaller? i'll try again. My solution was to remove it completely from the schematic and use a pencil to mark the esp32 pins on the pcb.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. For more help you will have to at least clearly identify which Footprint in which library that you are using for the esp. Ideally, make your project public and post the link to it.
Calum22 1 year ago
Your silkscreen also looks wrongly propotioned - look how close the switch is on your printout to the first pin, as compared to on your actual board.
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