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Pad hole for screw
4467 3
Manolocs 3 years ago
Hello, I just set 4 pad holes for support and fix the PCB, but when I run the DRC it show all 4 errors as Clearances, is there a way to check where is the clearance measures for this pads? I already printed and there as a lot of spaces for the holes. The copper area is the GND.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Screenshots? Link to a public project?
andyfierman 3 years ago
The easiest way to deal with mounting holes is to either create your own or just chose one of the library symbols for mounting holes which have Footprints associated with them, place them in the schematic and then do Update PCB... Some of the symbols have a pin to connect a net such as ground to. If this is to be left unconnected, put a Not Connected green X symbol on it to avoid it giving an unconnected DRC error. An example is: HOLE\_D3M5\_D7M0\_PAD\_PTH which is an M3 clearance hole (3.5mm) with a 7mm diameter pad for clearance with all the slop in the screw and an M3 washer. This has a single pin. You may wish to edit the Footprint if necessary to suit screw and washer clearances or edit the symbol to remove the pin. After making changes to the PCB do SHIFT-B to rebuild any copper areas then run the DRC.
Manolocs 3 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks Andy :)
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