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Pad center-snap region a little too large
2151 17
martin 8 years ago
It often happens that you have a via (for example) really near the center of a pad. In some cases, the via naturally falls within the center snap region of the pad, making it nearly impossible to create a trace between the two. Is there a key to suppress center pad snapping momentarily? ie, start at center of pad, suspend center snapping, connect to via, continue on your merry way.
andyfierman 8 years ago
You can toggle snap to grid on and off using the `G` key. This is a global function so don't forget to turn snap to grid back on.
martin 8 years ago
Actually, the pad center-snap feature doesn't respect the global Snap preference. It always snaps.
andyfierman 8 years ago
I hadn't realised that! As you have probably already found, the pad snap also does not respect the snap size setting.
martin 8 years ago
Andy, I don't think it should respect the size setting, either. The intent is to snap to its center no matter what. I find that to be very useful. Perhaps it could be tweaked to always snap to the center of the pad, within a region defined by the snap size?
martin 7 years ago
Coming back to this: the snap region on pads _actually scales_ with zoom, which is undesirable. It really should be independent of zoom, and use actual mouse distance from center. In the image below, my mouse is hovering directly over the via, but notice the focus dot is in the center of the pad. It makes it impossible to connect the two! ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20180130/5a705b4b313fe.png
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
I have problems with this also. Tracks snap to pad and controls track routing from the PAD to the first bend. I my particular case, i wire a very thick trace through narrow area, but the PAD snapping prevents me from doing routing from the PAD off center. If I pull the angled track down a bit, it just jumps back to PAD center. What should I do here ? ![image.png](// I want it to be like this, but I cant leave it there. It pops back. ![image.png](// Its very annoying, that PAD snapping cannot be disabled.
martin 4 years ago
4-year-old thread, still not resolved. These annoyances add up. Center-snapping to pad should use camera coordinates. ie, snap should happen based on distance of pad to mouse as seen on-screen, so that zooming in allows gives more accuracy. Alas, this small improvement is apparently at the bottom of the pile, as are so many others.
martin 4 years ago
Bump, EasyEDA team. It's been 4-years for what could be a quick fix. Change coordinate space for pad snaps!
Jonathan Nock 3 years ago
BUMP.  Still hasn't been fixed, extremely annoying issue that has a simple solution.
martin 3 years ago
5-year anniversary.
martin 2 years ago
Happy 6th birthday, bad center-snap issue!
MrToM 2 years ago
I dont know if this helps martin (I couldn't really replicate your problem, sorry) but in the case of Henrik Larsen there is a way, hack, workaround whatever. The problem: If you try to move an object a distance LESS than the size of the object it will snap back to its original location. . EG: Grid Size = 2.54mm Snap Size = 0.254mm (1/10th of Grid Size) Track Width = 0.3mm . Here half of the Track Width would be 0.15mm which is LESS than the Snap Size and would correctly snap to a distance of 0.254mm away. . But... Track Width = 0.509mm (A knats over TWICE the Snap Size by 0.001mm) then it will fail and snap back to its original position. . In Henriks case he could reduce the track width to less than twice the Snap Size, move it, then restore the track back to the original width....and it would stay there. Its a bit of a hack, and shouldn't be needed and I don't know if that will work for martins vias but still, its something. . Regards MrToM
MrToM 2 years ago
Hi martin, Hiding the layer visibility turns off snapping to the pad centers. This appears to work for both Top and Bottom layers. . Regards MrToM
martin 2 years ago
Hi MrToM, thanks for trying (more than EasyEDA has done so far in over 6 years!) Unfortunately, no snap settings (except Snap Off) change the behaviour of pad center snapping. Your mouse could be 500 pixels away from the center of the pad, as soon as you move over a pad, it'll snap. EsayEDA: use screen coordinates, please! Turning off visibility isn't really a proper option, unfortunately, as you still need those for reference... This is one of many annoyances (laying tracks and properly aligning things, for example, is pretty frustrating still) that have plagued EasyEDA for years. As an early adopter, I was thrilled to move from Eagle (which is terrible by any standard) to EasyEDA, a huge leap in terms of UX. But I am sad to see that this aspect has stagnated, favoring the addition of other kinds of features. In my opinion, nailing UX basics is _essential_ for a serious EDA, and we're not there yet.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@martin, +1 :)
MrToM 2 years ago
Hi martin, re: 'Turning off visibility isn't really a proper option, unfortunately, as you still need those for reference...' . Yeah, I thought about that but as 'pads' also come with a solder mask and paste layer I thought these may substitute as a reference, oh well. . re: 'UX basics is _essential_ for a serious EDA, and we're not there yet.' Couldn't agree more. . Good luck. Regards. MrToM.
massdistraction 1 year ago
Having just run into this problem myself, the solution I found was to insert a via on the path.  The track will snap to the via or pad and you can adjust the via position to drag the track to an "unsnappable" alignment. In Henrick's example he has a bottom board trace that will need some routing adjustment to avoid hitting the via.
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