You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Part only in PCB view
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kjetil.nt 7 years ago
Hello :) I am trying to make a project using the Z-uno microcontroller, but there is only a part with the correct footprint in PCB view, not schematic view. How do others resolve this? I did not know what to search for so I am sorry if this is something that has been answered many times before.
Tutorials 7 years ago
Hi, you need to create it by yourself.
sgabourin 7 years ago
@Tutorials Hi, this solution is for creating a PCB but the problem is the other way. I have the same issue with an FMC connector (FMC_LPC_ASP-134604-01) I want to include but it exists only as footprint in the PCBlibs (it is a user contribution). How to get it in the schematics? btw it's a nice soft you offer. Thanks
andyfierman 7 years ago
@kjetil.nt, I did a **SHIFT+F** search for Z-uno and found a schematic symbol and two PCB packages: Are they not suitable?
andyfierman 7 years ago You need to create a 4x40 way connector Schematic Symbol. Probably best if you start by editing and saving under a unique name, the 2x 40 way connector symbol in the **EE Lib**: 1. Hover over the little default 1x2 pin symbol in the section in the EE Lib panel; 2. Click on the down arrow; 3. Click on the 2x40 option in the drop down list that opens; 4. Double click back on the 2x40 way connector that is now shown in the EE Lib panel; 5. This symbol now opens in the Schematic Lib Editor; 6. Save with a unique name; 7. Edit the attributes as required; 8. Save the new part; 9. Find it using SHIFT+F Search. ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] [1]: /editor/20171103/59fc7563441c6.png [2]: /editor/20171103/59fc73c5d1fd0.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
@sgabourin, That last post was meant for you. :)
Tutorials 7 years ago
@sgabourin And you can create the Sch Lib as you want.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@sgabourin, I forgot to say that once you have opened the copy in the symbol editor, you can copy and paste the symbol to create the extra 120 pins then renumber and rename them. Then save the edited symbol.
sgabourin 7 years ago
@andyfierman, thanks, I was able to create my component in the schematics. But I have a basic question now. I don't find how to edit the footprint of this connector to copy-paste the FMC footprint into it. I can make a new PCB Lib or PCB Module but not linked to my schematics connector. Do you see what I mean? Thanks.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@sgabourin, Is this the part that you need a symbol and a PCB footprint for?
sgabourin 7 years ago
Yes it is. If you search for "FMC" in the PCB parts, you get it, but only as PCB lib (only footprint). It's why I wanted to create a 160pins connector in the schematics and associate this already existing footprint to it.
andyfierman 7 years ago
OK, let's start from scratch... I can't find a schematic symbol that you have made so I'm guessing you have only made it locally within your schematic and not as a Schematic Lib. Hence it is not visible to anyone except you. The footprint in the library has errors so... I'll: 1. create a new PCB package and; 2. create a Schematic Symbol that has the package associated with it.
sgabourin 7 years ago
Ok I created a new PCB Lib with the FMC footprint. Then in the Schematic Symbol I created, I used the Footprint Manager to associate the PCB Lib. And it works! And can you just tell me how you checked the errors of the footprint in the library?
EasyEDA 7 years ago
The Samtec ASP-134604-01 connector and footprint are now in the library. This is created directly from the Samtec datasheet. Just **SHIFT+F** search for ASP-134604-01. The original footprint was imported from a KiCAD library and the mounting holes and pads were incorrectly placed. The footprint also had a spurious PCB outline around it which will create an error if you try to place it on a PCB. Sorry but I did say that I was going to create these parts so to avoid duplication, please delete your entries. Thanks.
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