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Pcb error ratnet
591 17
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
hi, I'm on my first project, I have a problem: realizing a schematic on two worksheets (same project) it happens to me that by developing the pcb I am not given different connections between the two parts of the scheme. to connect the various components of the schemes I used the "net ports". it's definitely my mistake, but I can't understand where I'm wrong. excuse the translator but I don't know the language well. Thanks for your help
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
UserSupport 5 years ago
Can you share your project with public? We will help to check
UserSupport 5 years ago
and please indicate which pin ratline is wrong
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
``` as you can see the connections between the pins of the P1 connector towards U1 are not shown ```
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
``` only pin 1 and pin 5 of p1 are shown ```
andyfierman 5 years ago
@toppi.giuseppe, It is unclear from your screenshots what or where the problem is. There is no "P1" identifiably shown in your screenshots of the schematics. U1 is not clearly identifiable in the screenshot of the PCB. Your project is private so only you can see it. For more help please make your project public or add support @ to your team.
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
I tried to redo another project but the connections are not made. this test is public. thanks to those who want to help me
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please post the link to your public project.
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
the link to your public project is [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
In your public project, the PCB has not been created from the schematic. If I try to do **Update PCB... **I get: ![image.png](// If I try to do **Import Changes...** into the PCB, I get: ![image.png](// Please note that you have a net "A" in the schematic which does not exist in the PCB\. In the PCB this nrt is split into two different nets\, CT\-RX\_TRX1 and CT\-RX\_RTX1\. This suggests that you have edited the net names in the PCB after creating the PCB from the schematic but that you have not changed the net names in the schematic. In EasyEDA, the schematic is the master document and any changes must be made in that and then imported into the PCB. This is called Forward Annotation. There is no way to automatically do that the other way round. This is called Back Annotation and is not supported in EasyEDA. I suggest that you save a copy of your project and then check your schematic and all the information in it and then do **UpdatePCB...** or **Import Changes... **
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
Giuseppe Toppi 5 years ago
``` The problem was solved by shortening the name of the netport ... I think it's a system bug. thank you ```
UserSupport 5 years ago
you need zoom in the canvas to see the netname
andyfierman 5 years ago
@toppi.giuseppe, My mistake: the warnings in my two pictures about not being able to find the schematic or the PCB was because I was looking at your project as an outsider and I had not made my own copy of your project. Those warnings do not apear if I save your files to my own project. Glad you found the problem. :)
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