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Phase problem with Transformer_Centr_Tapped_US & Mutual_Inductor2_US
645 1
jlcooper 4 years ago
The phase dots on the "Transformer\_Centr\_Tapped\_US" & "Mutual\_Inductor2\_US" from "Spice Lib"/"System" do not indicate correct phase\.  The dots are supposed to indicate coincident rising potentials but simulations show otherwise\. Here's how LTspice (correctly) handles it (notice V(out1) is in-phase with V(in)): ![LTspice_Center-Tapped-Xfrmr-Sim.png](// Here's how "Transformer\_Centre\_Tapped\_US" behaves \(my public project Transformers\_0003\): ![Xfrmr_CT-US_waves.png](// Here's the schematic for the above waves: ![Xfrmr_CT-US_schem.png](// Here are the waves for "Mutual\_Inductor2\_US" \(my public project Transformers\_0004\) followed by its schematic: ![Xfrmr_Mutl-Ind2-US_waves.png](// ![Xfrmr_Mutl-Ind2-US_schem.png](// Notice that in the last two cases V(out1) is out-of-phase with V(in).
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please see: [](
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