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Pick and place file export is severely broken - am I the only one experiencing this bug?!
826 7
Torkel Danielsson 4 years ago
I use EasyEDA and jlc pcb. I export the pick and place file, and all the components end up wrong in the jlc pcb component viewer. This is what it looks like in the jlc pcb viewer: ![Untitled.png](// This has happened to me on the past 4 boards I have ordered (!) The first three times it was only the rotations that were wrong. Jlc pcb's QA caught it on two of them and I manually rotated components on one. But this fourth board even has locations wrong - on every single component (!) Does anyone know why this happens? The lack of outrage about this show stopper bug here seems to indicate that it is only affecting some users? I have to re-cad this board in KiCad if I can't find a fix for it here, so really hope I can get some help with this!
UserSupport 4 years ago
please export your PCB as EasyEDA format and send to []( I will help to check
Torkel Danielsson 4 years ago
@UserSupport Ok, done - hope the support can find it.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@torkel.danielsson Didn't get your email. please check. There are some methods to solve this issue: 1、modify pick and place file rotation manually 2、re-assign a correct 0 orentation package(you can find a new one or edit officail pcblib save as yourself lib) mauanlly at the schemactic, and update to PCB, re-export the pick and place file. 3、waiting for EasyEDA update all SMT parts' package, that will take some time 4、waiting for JLCPCB support to modify the rotation on the web, that function will take a long time Thanks
Torkel Danielsson 4 years ago
Thank you for the instructions. I have sent the email again, maybe it will reach you this time. In the file I have problem with now there is an offset in both x and y for all components - see photo above. How can this be? The instructions you sent are for rotation and seems to indicate that the parts database is to blame. But for position it cannot be the parts database, I think?
UserSupport 4 years ago
Do you enable the Mirror option when export the pick and place file? ![图片.png](//
Torkel Danielsson 4 years ago
@UserSupport No, but the components are mounted on the top side.
UserSupport 4 years ago
if you check your pick and place file X  Y same as PCB, that is JLCPCB's bug.
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