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Please Help I Am Having Trouble to Sim This Ckt.
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c.a.shakes 2 years ago
Simple non-xfmr circuit using a MOC3083 Zero-Cross Triac Driver Optocoupler and a BT134 triac. When I try to run program I get "Fatal Error: Unknown subcircuit called in:". I get the previously describe error for both MOC3083 and BT134 components even though I've added subckt spice codes to the right and designated both text boxes type "Spice". Please Help!!! Thanks in advance. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 2 years ago
Please study the examples on subckt units and components in the Simulation Tutorial carefully. The name of the subckt for a component defined by .subckt \ is \ and not .subckt \ So your name for the moc3080 should be moc3080 and not .subckt moc3080 And similarly your name for the BT134-800 should be BT134-800 and not .subckt BT134-800 For more help you will need to make your project public.
c.a.shakes 2 years ago
@andyfierman Great info, thank you. I will check out Sim tutorial.
sae_banie 1 year ago
@andyfierman sy jg punya masalah y sama saat simulasi, solusinya gmn ya ![pop up error sim.jpg](// ?
andyfierman 1 year ago
@sae_banie, Simulasi Anda bersifat pribadi sehingga hanya Anda yang dapat melihatnya. Simulasi Anda gagal karena Anda menggunakan setidaknya komponen yang bukan dari pustaka Spice Symbol (LM5575) dan karena itu tidak memiliki model spice yang terkait dengannya. Silakan pelajari Tutorial Simulasi (3) di (2) di: [](<br> <br> dengan hati-hati. Maaf tidak ada terjemahan yang tersedia. <br> Your simulation is private so only you can see it. Your simulation fails because you are using at least on component that is not from the Spice Symbol library (LM5575) and therefore has no spice model associated with it. Please study the Simulation Tutorial (3) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> carefully. Sorry that there is no translation available.
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