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Please fix the Lossless Transmission Line Tline symbol and parameter passing to the model.
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andyfierman 4 years ago
The old lossless Transmission Lossless Line TLine symbol as used in: [,id=5ba8dcb605a34936983729f2f3e3776a](,id=5ba8dcb605a34936983729f2f3e3776a) but although it works in that simulation, the symbol is now missing from the EELib and cannot easily be copied and pasted from that sim and made to work successfully into new ones. The existing symbol netlists like this: LTspice has a built in Tline model called T (see help in a local installation of LTspice): T. Lossless Transmission Line Symbol Name: TLINE Syntax: Txxx L+ L- R+ R- Zo=\ Td=\ L+ and L- are the nodes at one port. R+ and R- are the nodes for the other port. Zo is the characteristic impedance. The length of the line is given by the propagation delay Td. I have added a new User Contributed symbol: ![image.png](// What is required is: 1. the old TLine parameterised model (and any hidden symbol) should be removed from the EELib;  2. the new Tline symbol should call up the built-in LTspice T model;  3. when placed in a schematic, the new symbol must accept the following user parameters appended to it directly in the schematic like this: ![image.png](// and must netlist like this: \*\* Sheet\_1 \*\* T1 T1\_1 GND T1\_3 GND Z0=50 TD=10n and not as it does at the moment, like this: \*\* Sheet\_1 \*\* T1 T1\_1 GND T1\_3 GND Z0=undefined TD=undefined F=undefined
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