I was trying to find this topic:
I could not remember the title or the names of the contributors (except me!) or the dates of the posts.
All I could remember was that it had some comment in it about "4066 model in the library"
Searching for "4066 model in the library" in the EasyEDA Search box returned 0 forum posts.
Searching for 4066 plus any combination of the words in "4066 model in the library" in the EasyEDA Search box returned 0 forum posts.
Searching for "EasyEDA 4066 model in the library" on Google returned the post I needed in the first 4 results.
Admittedly, searching for "EasyEDA 4066 model in the library" on Bing did not find the post I needed so maybe I am asking too much to get the same kind of results as Google but the native EasyEDA search needs to be improved.