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Please make ratline color and thickness adjustable
1289 4
CzokNorris 2 years ago
Hi, I love EasyEda. Its very nice. Especially the pro version. I have a request: Please make the ratlines adjustable in color and if possible also in thickness. They are difficult to see, because they are very thin and the color is close to the blue of the bottom layer. Also we humans cant see blue tat well and displays have fewer subpixels for blue, so its more difficult to see on low resolution screens. Thank you so much.
andyfierman 2 years ago
**Ratline thickness** is not currently adjustable but **ratline colour** is: Tools (F9) > Layer Manager: ![image.png](//
UserSupport 2 years ago
You can change the ratline color at here it will change all same net objects ![图片.png](//
Ivan Beck 8 months ago
@usersupport My easy EDA pro does not have that menu
haidy_easyeda 8 months ago
@iabeck86 Hello, if you need to change the ratline colour, you can do it in the layer manager, but this will change all the ratline colours, as ratlines do not support changing the colour of a single one individually. ![image.png](// If you need to change the colour of one of the network wires individually, you can do so in the net column of the left property bar. <br> <br> ![image.png](//
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