Hi, a couple of points:
1\. For a while now\, laying out a PCB has become more painful than necessary\. You have introduced a regression in how parts are moved\. For example\, trying to move a part in PCB layout **snaps the center of the pad you grab from to mouse position.** That should not happen! The mouse click should always be relative to the current position of the object, and never absolute. This is especially annoying when trying to move a part just a little, even more so if there are tracks attached to it.
2\. Snapping seems to have gotten messed up\. In the below image\, if I grab the bottom part by the GND pad\, I can never get it to align with the top part\. I have to somehow remember which pads to grab in order to get properly aligned parts?\! If I move it from U1\_3\, then it will snap where it's supposed to\.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I think these smalls things eventually amount to what could be considered a "big problem". I know you guys are moving fast, adding tons of features. But please, don't forget the small things!