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Please, please, fix PCB object centering issues!
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martin 5 years ago
Hi, a couple of points: 1\. For a while now\, laying out a PCB has become more painful than necessary\. You have introduced a regression in how parts are moved\. For example\, trying to move a part in PCB layout **snaps the center of the pad you grab from to mouse position.** That should not happen! The mouse click should always be relative to the current position of the object, and never absolute. This is especially annoying when trying to move a part just a little, even more so if there are tracks attached to it. 2\. Snapping seems to have gotten messed up\. In the below image\, if I grab the bottom part by the GND pad\, I can never get it to align with the top part\. I have to somehow remember which pads to grab in order to get properly aligned parts?\! If I move it from U1\_3\, then it will snap where it's supposed to\. ![Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 1.08.51 PM.png](// At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I think these smalls things eventually amount to what could be considered a "big problem". I know you guys are moving fast, adding tons of features. But please, don't forget the small things!
UserSupport 5 years ago
he mouse click should always be relative to the current position of the object, and never absolute. disagree, you can try AutoCAD and Alitum, and PADS, they have auto snap the object feature too. this is a feature not BUG!, many user told us they need to move the part with more precisions, we try Altium and other EDA tools, then we did a function, when you mouse too close with the origin of footprint , or too close with pad center, the cursor will auto snap to the center. for your images, I believe it is the snap position issue, for example, the top one snap the snap grid line by footprint origin, the bottom one snap the snap grid by pad center. that will make difference.  you can disable the Snap, the move the footprint thanks
martin 5 years ago
Hi UserSupport, I don't think we're talking about the same functionality. For the center-pad snap, yes, this is a useful feature and needs to stay 100%. But as long as we're on that subject, its implementation can be improved by using screen coordinates for snapping distance. As it is now, you can be 6 inches apart between pad center and mouse pointer when zoomed in, but snapping still happens. This actually prevents you from positioning certain things with more accuracy. What I am talking about, though, is this behaviour, shown in the video. And if we are going to compare with Altium, note that it is the mouse pointer that jumps in their case, and not the part, so those are very different behaviours. In the video, I first grab the part by the silk layer: works as expected. Then I grab in the middle of the part or on a pad, which makes the part jump to mouse position, rather than relative to mouse position. I then demonstrate that when snap is off, the part doesn't jump to cursor position. ![ezgif-6-d792e2f57221.gif](// For the second problem: disabling snap is not really an option when you are trying to save time, is it? And in terms of different snapping behaviour based on which pad is selected, don't you agree that a user can't reasonably be expected to understand or remember which pad does what? Why are they different?
martin 5 years ago
@UserSupport: any feedback here?
UserSupport 5 years ago
@martin That is not a bug, it is a feature, when the mouse cursor close to pad center or origin less than 30mil, it will be snaped automatically, if more than 30mil, it will follow the old snap behavior(snap cursor location)
martin 5 years ago
@UserSupport: I get the intent, and it works with large parts. But when using 0402 or other small footprints (especially without a silk layer), you are essentially _forced _to use it, whether you want to or not. Maybe it's just the way I use it, but I would volunteer my time to share my screen with you as I lay out an RF board so you can see how difficult some of these behaviours make it. What about snap positioning being inconsistent?
UserSupport 5 years ago
You can disable the SNAP and drag and move the footprint, it will not snap cursor to PAD center any more. ![image.png](//
martin 5 years ago
@UserSupport, I know I can disable snap, but that doesn't solve the problem at all. In a scenario like that, I'd toggle between snap on and off, have to zoom in a lot, move a part until I _estimate_ it's in the right position, etc. This is the exact opposite of the features you are describing as improvements to workflow and ease of use, so this suggestion is self-defeating. How about giving it a try yourself here: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|ad350d4a5cb6431890c5d6fe7e9e29fd\|2b733bbcc9264f05bcc26cf3f822b4c2\|5bfa947dcc4e47598abe1406a412b7ce\|aa8a4a918d4842d69fc557e1d389ac28](|ad350d4a5cb6431890c5d6fe7e9e29fd|2b733bbcc9264f05bcc26cf3f822b4c2|5bfa947dcc4e47598abe1406a412b7ce|aa8a4a918d4842d69fc557e1d389ac28) Try moving some of the 0402 caps and resistors, by either pad (and witness them snapping to what look like two different grids, too). Note that I went through the trouble of aligning them (yes, with snap on and off) so the hard part's already been painstakingly done. But you'll still see the problems first-hand even if you don't see the worst of it.
UserSupport 5 years ago
@martin Don't understand your problem, can you help to capture a video?
deskpro256 5 years ago
Change the Alt Snap to 1mil and press ALT while moving the component.
deskpro256 5 years ago
@deskpro256 It will still snap to center probably, but at least then you can put it where you want with accuracy to 1mil
martin 5 years ago
@deskpro256 -- yes, I know how to work around the solution. My message isn't intended at getting help, but highlighting usability issues which, imho, need to be addressed. Setting alt-snap to 1 mil, disabling snap, these workarounds highlight the problem at hand. One shouldn't have to do this to properly and predictably align footprints on the PCB.
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