Please turn off the Unnecessary Warning about Unfinished Nets.

That is necessary, that will help you to avoid to forget some unfinished nets, it is important before generate Gerber.
many users feedback they forgot this , and caused the useless PCB.
So then users will be annoyed by it and turn it off.
Then they'll forget to turn it on to check before submitting their boards.
Then they'll complain about the software not warning them and causing them to get rubbish boards.
Let people decide for themselves.
In addition, when generating GERBER, the program offers to check for errors.
Yes, and you’ll be mistaken once, then you’ll think ten times.
Or you'll go off on a very public rant in the forum about how awful the EasyEDA software is and how badly you've been treated by JLCPCB and then not buy any more PCBs through EasyEDA.
Been there. Seen that.
Sorry Andy but adding stuff like this makes it a tool for amateurs rather than pro users. Fine if that is what JLCPCB are after but I'm quite sure their actual business model is to get pros to make prototypes with them using the $2 option and then not change over to the other suppliers once they are shipping thousands.
Yes there will always be idiots who mess up but that's not my problem and I find this extra click really annoying.
@MikeDB @duritskiy
Can you tell me how many designs you will leave the unfinished net on purpose?
on my opinion, the most design should not have the unfinished net, am I right?
The circuit is not immediately born, for example, I first determine (input or output, etc.) all the legs of the controller and name the future nets.
And then gradually attach additional schemes to these named networks.
So in such cases, I understand that I have networks that are not yet involved, and this Warning annoys me.
Something I have discussed with support is to make the "Essential things to check before converting to PCB" and "Essential things to check before submitting your PCB" lists into active documents that you either have to tick each item or maybe the list as a whole to say that you have completed the checks before you can convert to PCB and then that you can submit to buy a pcb.
Then you can turn off any warnings, etc. that you like.
But at the end of the process, it is entirely your responsibility if the board comes back a dud.
I currently have over 100 unfinished nets on by current set of 4 boards ! Yes I will eventually put an X on the unused nets before finishing, but at the moment I want them there in the netlist to remind me these may still need to be connected as part of the design process. In fact the problem I have is how to move connections between the stacked boards so I am constanly moving components from one PCB to the other.
It's always the designer's responsibility if the board comes back with nets missing and so on. But the tool doesn't need to baby-sit professional designers, especially as EasyEDA want to move to a subscription model for such users.
There is one way, I even had to write scripts for this.
The meaning of the universal script "ReNumberScript.js" is:
First, in SCH, it renames all prefixes in order. Then you need to copy the desired part of the circuit to another circuit. Run the script again so that it renames all the prefixes again. Then repeat the same steps in the PCB, respectively.
Then start the synchronization, which if everything is correct will not offer to add or remove any components, it will only offer to rename some Nets. After that, it remains only to rename all the tracks, for which we again run the script "ReNumberScript.js".
After that, everything should be OK.
For convenience, you must first install all the scripts from "\ MyScripts \" in EasyEda,
then install extension from "MyExtensions \",
then restart EasyEda
scripts: [](
Fine by me. My Zuken licence had ended so I was looking for a new tool assuming I would have to pay a reasonable price for it. I actually ended up on EasyEDA not because it was free but partly because it seemed to work but mostly because of the efficient links to JLCPCB who get quality prototype PCBs to me all the way from China faster than European PCB manufacturers who charge ten times as much (or more !). My clients have placed large orders with them and none have changed supplier.
Could it be that some people do not understand why a net is unfinished ?
Typically pins that are intentional unused need the X for no connection on them, and I came across a strange issue on a schematic where some nets appeared to be finished but were being flagged, it turned out one symbol had the dots on the wrong end of the pins.
OK a beginner here regarding design. I am paying. We have several types of boards we want made. Seems no-one can make them from a circuit diagram and manufacturers component numbers and who supplies the components. Hence trying this but seriously stumped. Probably for the experts its good but not for beginners.
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