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Polyline Pad not connecting to the net at all
477 3
geekness 5 years ago
I have a package that I created ([Link](!d0de79b2bc2f46d0b2a0ebd9fe8e13ab)) that includes a number of  polyline pads. The pads were originally oval shaped and multilayer, but I changed them to polyline because of the shape I required. When they were an oval shape they worked as expected. I changed them to be just top and bottom layers instead of multilayer to see if that fixed the problem but it didn't change. Here is the package inserted into a PCB. You can see that there is no pad connection to any of the copper net layers, there is only a ratline. I can obviously manually create the connection, im just confused as to why it's not creating the connection automatically. ![Polyline Pad.jpg](// Link to design: [https://easyeda\.com/geekness/Pixhawk\_2\_1\_Carrier\_Board\-867b867dffb64c5ea3d487b449e04cad]( Hopefully somebody can give some advice on what to change here.
geekness 5 years ago
I've modified the pad inside the package to be a multilayer pad instead of 2 separate pads, and Im still getting the same problem. It seems that there is a bug where polyline pads do not connect to the respective net layer.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Issue confirmed, it seems a bug for this polygon pad. we will check it, at present please route a track for this ratline. Thanks
geekness 5 years ago
Thanks for confirming the problem. I have now routed my own track to the layer.
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