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Possible Bug - Prefixes with just a single Numerical name are going to the same net
458 2
bleugh 4 years ago
Hi, A simple one - I've made a Keyboard PCB with about 60 switches I have the switch PREFIX called it's character i.e. A, B, C, D, etc![CaptureBAD matrix.JPG](//![CaptureBAD PCB.JPG](//![CaptureBADASMANUFACTURED.JPG](//![Capturegood matrix.JPG](// THis woked well for 3 revisions My latest keyboard failed. Numbers 1 to 9 all appeared on the same net. Something has changed in EASYEDA in the past few months. If I change the switch Prefix  to N1, N2, N3 instead of just 1,2,3 then I can make my board work if i change the prefix back to 1,2,3, the nets all tie together for the numbers Note, I'm now aware i've made an error by changing the prefix for each item, But, each prefix is unique so should function as a name also ![Good pcb](
andyfierman 4 years ago
I have tried a simple schematic and PCB using a couple of resistors just named numerically but I cannot reproduce this behavoiur. Please make your project public so we can investigate in more detail.
bleugh 4 years ago
Sorry for the delay, had to cut the PCB down quite a bit as i can't share the whole thing publicly [](<br> <br>
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