The correct way to report this error is using the Report Error tool but that is limited to only 256 characters and it is hard to report the error clearly in so few characters. Therefore I have submitted a Bug Report for this symbol (which may apply to others).
In the LCSC library there is a problem with the power pin representation of LCSC part C47994, opa2277PA
**The power pins on opa2277PA.1 are OK:**
opa2277PA.1 correctly includes power pins.

**but there is a problem with the 'power pins' on the symbols for opa2277PA.2:**
opa2277PA.2 shows two pins in the same places as the power pins on opa2277PA.1 but which have no numbers and that are not listed in the 'i' Edit Symbol tool.

**opa2277PA.2 should either:**
1. include power pins exactly as shown on opa2277PA.1 or;
2. should not show power pins at all.
As opa2277PA.2 is drawn at the moment, users connect power to the un-numbered and unlisted power pins on the symbol with then creates an 'This netlabel is not connected with any pin' warning in the schematic Design Manager for the positive and negative supply pins that is very hard for them to trace and understand as demonstrated like this:

in this topic: