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Power supply for Logic gates
332 4
Ovemand 1 year ago
Hello. I have made a circuit where I use Logic Gates like AND, NAND, NOR etc. and when I convert this from schematic to PCB I can see that EasyEDA automaticly connects +12 volts and ground to all the IC circuits (pin 7 and pin 12) .But there is no possibility to make terminals for + and - on the PCB itself... How can I add power supply + and - to my IC circuits on PCB...?
andyfierman 1 year ago
Not sure exactly what you mean by + and - terminals when you also talk about +12 Volts and ground powering your ICs. It sounds like you simply have not put a connector in your schematic for the +12V and ground supply. Can't say more with any certainty because your project is private so only you can see it.
Ovemand 1 year ago
@andyfierman You are right... 12 volts is wrong.. I use 5 volt for all the gates. Maybe you can see this littel part of my schematic here... I have all the wirering but no possibility for my supply 5 volt for alle th IC gates... I'm not sure if I can attach anything here in this forum... ![image.png](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
You can .make the power pins visible. You only need to do this for one subpart in each package. Or you can name the supplies to match the power pin names. See **3\. Edit the pin map** in:  [](<br> <br>
Ovemand 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thanks a lot...You are my hero of the day...This works perfect and I learned something new today. Thank you for your help.
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