You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
'Print' function renders incpmplete/out of date schematics
420 18
peterw8102 3 years ago
I'm not sure where the bug is however from the appliction use Print -> PDF Preview and the schematics are either very up to date or incomplete. The same images are being used on project home page - so the public homepage for my project looks like it's half complete. All of the schematics are wrong. Take a look at []( - scroll down to the images. Affects the PCB image as well. Doesn't affect my other public project.
UserSupport 3 years ago
please save your schematic pages again, the images will re-generate
peterw8102 3 years ago
That doesn't work. I've saved it hundreds of times over the course of developing the board. The print/project home page schematics are stuck in a very old state (couple of months old) showing a number of blank and incomplete schematics and PCB views. Take a look at my public project in the editor and then look at the home page. [](
peterw8102 3 years ago
The images are NOT regenerating.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Are you asking about: 1. printing schematics and PCB layouts or; 2. the preview images that appear on your home page? If (1) then try **Export** to **PDF**: ![image.png](// If (2) then you can manually update them: ![image.png](//
peterw8102 3 years ago
@andyfierman Case two is the main problem - I can live with not printing. If I got to the project settings page as you have above I see: ![Project settings page](// As you can see the automatically captured schematics are incomplete with two pages completely blank\. As far as I can see there's no way to delete the automatic schematics and I \*think\* I can only upload a single cover picture\. Even if I could upload images captured from EasyEDA there's no way to delete the automatic ones\.
andyfierman 3 years ago
If you click on an image the tick should move to that one then you can upload a new one. But you're right: they should automatically update periodically.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@peterw8102, @UserSupport, No, I'm wrong. It looks like you can only select which one to show as the cover image and upload a new one. There is no option to delete any that have already been uploaded. The other problem you are alluding to is that the images shown on the project home page are out of date with respect to the project state. This used to be a problem in the early days of EasyEDA so it needs fixed again.
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, Not that it helps with the update issue, or lack of, but you can edit those images. From the same project settings page click the 'Documents' icon on the left. From here you can manage those images... ![Untitled-2.jpg](// Regards.
peterw8102 3 years ago
@mrtom528 the only options I have are to edit or delete. If I click edit it takes me to the EasyEDA editor page showing the up-to-date schematic. 'Delete' deletes the actual schematic page from my design, which is definitely not what I want to do. There doesn't seem to be any option to manage/refresh the captured images used in the project page.
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, OK, try this... With a schematic page visible in the editor, hover over the 'SHEET' selections bottom left. Wait for the tooltip to appear and check to see if the tooltip is the same as the name of the sheet. You can also check this in the left hand project files panel. If they are different, then right click the file in the left hand panel and select 'modify'. Check the name (should be as displayed) and click 'OK'. Then, make any small change to the schematic just so you get the 'save' icon enabled, then click the icon to save. Right click the project name in the left hand panel and select 'View'... ...and with any luck your files should be updated. _ No guarantee but this worked for me...hopefully it does for you too. Failing that, I dunno. _ Regards.
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, Closing the project, spinning round 3 times and whistling God Save The Queen, (Sex Pistols cover), and then re-opening the project also appears to update the files. _ (You can even omit the spinning and whistling) _ Regards.
peterw8102 3 years ago
@mrtom528 thank you - that **almost** worked! I had to click 'modify' separate for each page of the schematic, **change the name of the sheet to something different**, then **make a change on the diagram** then save. Skipping either of those two steps meant it didn't update. The project page now seems to be updating automatically. It looks like it needed the new schematic sheet names to force it to delete the ancient version and replace it with what it thought was a new page. At least the schematics on my project page now look like they are complete rather than just a half done design. [](<br> <br> There's definitely something wrong in the software somewhere.
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, No worries. Closing the project and re-opening seemed an easier way for me but hey, you got it sorted and that's the main thing. _ It was the tooltip that lead me to it, despite saving several times the sheet name was different in the tooltip, so yeah.....something somewhere isn't saving those changes when it should and just updates with the old names. _ Regards.
peterw8102 3 years ago
@mrtom528 I was working on the project for a couple of months so it was regularly saved/closed/opened etc during that time but at some point the project page got 'stuck'. It wasn't just a few changes out of date, it was months out of date and not changing.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@mrtom528, I had tried jumping up and down and shouting but that hadn't worked so thanks for that: I'd forgotten that you could get to the images that way...
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, I don't usually close a project if I'm still working on it, and when I say close the project I mean right clicking the project name and selecting 'Close Project', not just closing the editor. Closing the project appears to update the files, schematic sheet names included. Probably a browser cache thing....sigh. _ Regards.
peterw8102 3 years ago
@mrtom528 thanks - I didn't "close" the project then, I didn't realise that was something you could do!
mrtom528 3 years ago
@peterw8102, LOL.....yeah, I know, it's a real voyage of discovery. _ Regards.
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