I am completely new to all of this and this is the third time I am trying to print one. [The earlier two that I did were single sided and it was quite simpler, but this time, it is a dual sided design and even a bigger one almost an A4 size]. So please excuse me even if my question sounds quite "novice" or "lame".
I am trying to print a design/circuit layout (not even sure if this is the right word) on a glossy paper to etch a PCB at home.
The design is for a dual sided PCB.
I searched and read and almost everywhere it said that I need to mirror the layout before print - and this is where I fail to understand.
\- Which Layer\(s\) I need to mirror? And How \- I mean\, is it when I try printing onto paper or I generate the PNG as a Mirrored one?
I would really appreciate if the community could show me the right paths.