You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Problem connecting pins
744 5
Takumi Ito 5 years ago
Hi I'm new to EasyEDA, I was using OrCAD. I made a new project and the library didn't have the schematic for a IC I wanted to use so I made one. Now I wanted to connect U1 Pin 9 and U2 pin 14 but I can't get my cursor to recognize pin 9. Also does the same thing for some of the pins. Does anyone have a solution to this? [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|0a3488d696f74a2595a9e341edd2f30a](|0a3488d696f74a2595a9e341edd2f30a)
andyfierman 5 years ago
Make sure the pin dot is on the outside end of the symbol.
Takumi Ito 5 years ago
Sorry it wasnt updated I already tried that. U2 was made by someone else so I believe its a working module schematic. [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|0a3488d696f74a2595a9e341edd2f30a](
Takumi Ito 5 years ago
@andyfierman Sorry it wasnt updated I already tried that. U2 was made by someone else so I believe its a working module schematic. [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|0a3488d696f74a2595a9e341edd2f30a](
andyfierman 5 years ago
@tito_7257, Simple fix. You have set the Grid to less than the Snap: ![image.png](// Almost all schematic symbols in EasyEDA are created with their pins on a 10 grid so the default grid size is 10 with a default snap size of 5. Most of the time you do not need to change this: ![image.png](//
Takumi Ito 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thank you! It worked!
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