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Problem distributing an array of footprints...
1183 7
mdr7eleven 5 years ago
Trying to distribute the selected parts.  When I am done distributing, the leftmost part is at X = 14.616mm, Y = -110.033mm. Not sure if it matters but when I created the PCB Lib for this part, the canvas origin is in the direct x,y center of the part. I have snap turned off. Any idea what is going on? ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can't tell from your description and screengrab what the actual issue is. Try with snap on? You are not seriously going to lay out a PCB based on an arbitrary footprint distribution like this are you? I strongly recommend you read (2.2) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
mdr7eleven 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for your reply. These are LEDs that need to align precisely with light pipes that interface with holes in an enclosure.  This is a demo/mockup of a different device and I'm making it as a "desk toy" for our executives.  The LED spacing is literally the only consideration and everything else revolves around it. Snap on/off makes no difference.  The problem is that I tell it to put the first footprint at (14.5, -110) and that's not where it puts it.  The following components are off by the same amount.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@mdr7eleven, OK, I get the LED position and misalignment issue and therefore you need to post a clear Bug Report about the fact that you have distrubuted an array with a specified origin of -14.5mm, 110mm but the resultant distribution is off from your distribution origin at -14.616mm, 110.033mm. Your original post shows this information but it is not clear that this is the issue. What happens if you set: **Grid Size = 0.5mm** **Snap Size = 0.5mm** and then try it with **Snap = yes**? I also get that the LED mechanical position is important and that is fine from an electrical point of view too. What may be less than ideal is placing the other components in the circuit on what - from a PCB layout point of view - is an arbitray grid. Presumably some of the off screen components are the power supply decoupling capacitors that have yet to be placed?
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Issue confirmed, we will try to figure it out and fix it. Thank you
mdr7eleven 5 years ago
@andyfierman > Presumably some of the off screen components are the power supply decoupling capacitors that have yet to be placed? Those aren't there but will be.  Only things here so far are the LEDs, their resistors, an Arduino and the 4 port expanders to check fit. I'm placing the resistors next to their LEDs because EasyEDA's router chokes so easily.   The less routing it has to do, the better the chance that I won't waste two days waiting for it to finally fail.
mdr7eleven 5 years ago
@UserSupport Can you notify me when it's fixed - or open a ticket on my behalf? Thanks!
mdr7eleven 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for your input and support.
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